Health Stuff


About My Eating Habits

I have struggled with various weight and other health issues throughout my life. Close to 10 years ago (and about 50 pounds heavier), I was diagnosed with chronic Gout. This was after years of drinking and eating terribly. The added weight, growing health concerns, and pain from my disease took me a long time to overcome. 

I’ve learned a lot about how food and drink contribute to inflammation and other health concerns over the years. Back in 2013 I quit drinking alcohol and have discovered just how much a healthy diet can improve my quality of life. 

More on my healthy food journey can be found here


About My Exercise Habits

I grew up in a very active household. As kids, my brothers and I along with my parents played a lot of sports. From hockey to baseball, biking, swimming, and more. In high school I ran cross-country and developed a love for running outdoors. 

Nowadays I don’t play sports as often, but have developed a weekly routine of distance running at least 3 times a week and enjoy going on long hikes nearby. I also do exercises more focused on muscle-building like sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and other workouts that are easy enough to do without going to the gym. 

Learn more about my exercise routines here